Suspecting That Your Child Has ADHD? – Look Out for These Signs

They Interrupt Frequently

Children who have ADHD typically only focus on themselves. If a conversation doesn’t involve them, (or they aren’t getting attention) they’re likely to interrupt.

They may also have difficulty waiting their turn for things since they lack the ability to recognize the needs of others.

Things like this can really become a problem in school when it comes to sharing or participating in class activities.

It’s normal for children to want to be a part of things, but if your child can’t wait their turn and everything needs to be focused on them, it could be a sign of ADHD.

They Have a Difficult Time Sitting Still

It’s not uncommon for kids to have a lot of energy. But, there’s a big difference in blowing off some steam and not being able to stop fidgeting. A child with ADHD might have a hard time sitting still for any length of time.

That sort of fidgeting will also make it hard for your child to play quietly, or engage in a calm activity for more than a few minutes.

They Lack a Sense of Focus

Even if you’re speaking directly to your child, have you noticed that they don’t seem to be paying attention? Children with ADHD often have trouble paying attention, even in a one-on-one conversation.

Because they often have difficulty focusing, you might notice that your child tends to avoid activities that require a lot of sustained attention.

Unable to focus on instructions, it’s also more likely for children with ADHD to make mistakes when working on a task. Mistakes also happen because they can’t pay attention to one particular task for an extended period of time.

They Easily Forget Things

Even after several reminders, children with ADHD daydream and become forgetful about things.

They may also forget things that are valuable to them simply because of their inability to concentrate. They might also lose things frequently, forgetting where they left their toys, clothes, etc.

Additionally, kids dealing with ADHD have a hard time staying organized. This often makes it harder to remember things because their life is full of clutter and chaos. It all stems back to that lack of focus.

They Display Consistent Symptoms

One of the best ways to determine if your child is struggling with ADHD is to notice if their symptoms are consistent in different settings.

Do they act differently in school than they do at home? Are their symptoms still there when they’re around other people?

Consistent symptoms, no matter where your child goes, is often a clearer sign that they may have ADHD. If the symptoms come and go depending on where they are, it could be more of a behavioral issue.

Again, a healthcare provider needs to officially diagnose ADHD. But, paying attention to some of these signs can help you to decide if your child should see a doctor.

ADHD can be a struggle for both parents and the child dealing with it. The sooner your child gets an official diagnosis, the sooner they can start a treatment plan.