Dimming Inner Glow? How to Let Winter Inspire You

Take Time to Refresh

The quiet necessity of being indoors more often in winter can be a great time to rest and refresh. In the hectic pace of life, the lack of daylight can be an excellent excuse to stay home in the evenings.

Allow yourself to enjoy things you might typically not. Stay in the shower five minutes longer. Create small rituals such as herbal tea with lemon and raw honey each evening. Go to bed earlier. Let winter inspire you to rest like you mean it.

Savor Coziness

Along with rest, winter is a wonderful time to embrace all things cozy. The two go hand in hand. The Danish concept of hygge has become quite popular in recent years. This idea allows coziness to color all of life. Doing so can add contentment and peace to a long, cold season.

Break out the fluffy blankets, popcorn, and favorite movies. While you’re at it, cuddle with your kids or partner. Curl up with a new book. Light a candle or two. Wear warm, thick socks and put your pajamas on early, just because you can. Pull a board game out of the closet. A sense of coziness creates stability and pure joy.

Spark Your Creativity

Being indoors more often also brings the opportunity to try new things. Winter can be the perfect time to learn a new hobby, such as knitting or sewing. You might even try making candles to keep your place cozy!

It’s also a great excuse to try out new recipes, ones that are warming and nourishing. Sparking your creativity is a fun way to lift some of the boredom that can set in.

Catch Up

Like many people, you may have piles of photos (either hard copies, digital, or both) that you’ve wanted to sort through. Perhaps you need to declutter your closets. Or maybe you want to read through old family letters.

You can also let winter inspire you to catch up with friends and loved ones. Surprise relatives with a phone call; touch base with old friends. You’ll warm both your spirit and theirs in the process.

Practice Hospitality

There’s never been such a good time as winter to reach out to others in the spirit of hospitality. In the long winters, people yearn for connection and time together. While the holiday season can be too busy, the long months following it provide plenty of quiet evenings and weekends.

Ditch unrealistic expectations of perfection (spotless house, perfectly made gourmet meals) and offer an authentic version of yourself to guests. Meals can be simple; table settings can be plain. This informal approach will put everyone at ease.

Look to Nature

While winter may not be as colorful in her displays as the other seasons are, there is still beauty just waiting to be seen if you look hard enough. Pay attention, and you may notice the little birds pecking at dried seed heads or berries in the bushes. Observe the sweet details of their feathers, eyes, and motions.

Take time to look up close at the snowflakes on your coat sleeves. Pay attention to the rhythm of the sun’s rising and setting. This natural beauty is calming and centering.

If you need help getting through the long season of winter, please reach out to our office to help.

Despite its joys, the lack of daylight and the stress of the holidays can take their toll. We are here to help you!