I’m Scared! How to Overcome Anxiety About the Coronavirus

We’re undergoing something we’ve never had to before: social distancing, lockdowns, and an almost-overnight upheaval to the American way of life.

With all of this, it’s only natural to feel scared, anxious, and overwhelmed about the coronavirus. It is reasonable in the circumstances like these. But you don’t have to let anxiety rule your life. There are proactive steps you can take to overcome anxiety about the coronavirus.

Maintain Normalcy as Much as You Can

Many things aren’t “normal” right now. You likely miss seeing your friends, co-workers, and merely being out in public. Still, take a good look at your life and routines before COVID-19. What elements can you always include in your daily life?

Consider the following elements you can control:

  • Consistent bedtime and wake time

  • Regular mealtimes

  • Exercise

  • Getting out of your PJs and into regular clothes even if you’re not leaving the house

  • Hobbies you enjoy

  • Small daily rituals such as reading, your morning tea or coffee, playing with your pets, etc.

Focus on what you can control: proper hand hygiene, limiting shopping, wearing a mask, and keeping yourself healthy. These routines will help you manage your anxiety about the coronavirus.

Take Good Care of Yourself

When life is in upheaval, it’s easy to let things slide. Many are spending a lot more time watching television than before. You might be indulging in sweets, junk food, or substances as a way to comfort yourself. You don’t want to go for a walk or jog. Nevertheless, try to take some small steps to ensure you’re being nurtured.

Support your immune system with the following steps:

  • Get enough sleep

  • Exercise (many free videos are available online)

  • Try to limit junk food and eat nourishing food

  • Take immune-boosting supplements

  • Practice mindfulness meditations

  • Seek out humor and laughs

You can also limit screen time or try something new. Try to limit your exposure to the news. You can do this by scheduling a specific time of day to check updates and only read or watch the news for a set time.

Talk with Someone

Humans are truly meant to be with each other. It’s tough for most of us, even introverts, to suddenly not be able to interact the way we’re used to. Being cooped up inside with kids and partners, 24/7 can also be stressful. We need to be able to find reassurance and comfort through friends and family.

Thankfully, we do have easy access to modern tools that make communication easier. Keep in close contact with your family and good friends. This approach can be by phone calls, messaging, and video chats—schedule virtual dinner parties. Send friends funny memes or photos to brighten their day. When you do so, you’ll be lifting your spirits as well.

The current pandemic, of course, is anxiety-provoking for most people. This mindset is true whether or not they’ve had anxiety issues in the past. And if you do have a history of anxiety disorders, you may find yourself struggling to an extent you haven’t for a while. While it’s vital to take steps on your own to help manage your fear, you don’t have to suffer alone.

If your anxiety is becoming disabling and interfering greatly with your life, reach out for help. I’m offering online and tele-therapy during this time, so I can support people just like you who are struggling to overcome anxiety about the coronavirus.

We are all going through this together. Even if we’re physically distanced, we can still find a way to connect and draw strength from each other.