Summer Blues? 6 Ways to Brighten Your Mood When You Suffer from Reverse SAD

1. Identify Your Triggers

When you find yourself feeling symptomatic, take time to bring in gentle awareness of what triggered the change. Increased heat or humidity might make you have low self-esteem or make you feel lethargic. Perhaps spending too much time outdoors on vacation or a camping trip has you feeling unexpectedly depressed.

Another symptom can be when you expect to experience “summertime bliss” only for your depressive symptoms to kick in. You could be thinking something is wrong with you if you are not happy the way everyone else is. Knowing your triggers is key to finding coping techniques.

2. Create a Routine

Something else that can contribute to depression is the feeling of hopelessness. You could believe today will be the same as yesterday and tomorrow the same as today. Create a daily routine if you want to build structure in your day to know what is coming.

Your routine can be as basic as:

  1. Wake-up

  2. Brush your teeth

  3. Eat your meals

  4. Take your medication

  5. Exercise

  6. Hobbies

  7. Talk to a family member or friend

In order to make sure this routine sticks, you can write down your routine in a calendar or app. You can also set alarms for different parts of the day, like waking up or taking your medication. See if anyone around you can help you stay on track.

3. Build Healthy Habits

When the weather is affecting your mental health, it is not uncommon to hole up and wait for the weather to cool down. However, exercise and a healthy diet are proven to help improve your mood. Exercising indoors in a climate-controlled environment can help combat the heat. Take advantage of the seasonal produce available for healthy snacks and meals. Limiting alcohol intake can also positively contribute to your overall mental health.

4. Keep Yourself Cool

You may want to go outside when the weather is nice, but too much humidity can bring you low moods. Stay indoors when it is too hot outside and allow yourself to take in the air conditioning. You should also make sure when you are outside to use sunscreen and wear a hat to protect your skin. Make sure that you stay hydrated throughout the day to avoid experiencing fatigue.

5. Fit in Self-Care Activities

Dedicate your summer holiday to relaxing and incorporating feel-good activities to keep you healthy. Allowing yourself to recharge can help you feel energized for the rest of the day. Give yourself at least 15 minutes of uninterrupted self-care activities such as reading, journaling, listening to music, taking a walk, and more. If you have time, aim for three to four activities per week that address your physical, emotional, and mental needs.

6. Seek Therapeutic Help

If you have been experiencing reverse SAD every summer, a therapist can make a personalized treatment plan to help you enjoy your summer season.

We are here to help. Learn more about our individualized counseling services, and contact us soon.

DepressionPathways To Wellness