Lifestyle Interventions That May Keep You from Developing Depression

Adjust Your Diet

Research has continually proven that what we eat impacts us in numerous ways. From our organ functions to our moods, diet plays a vital part in our overall wellness.

To keep depression at bay, consider adjusting your diet to include more fatty acids and amino acids. In other words, eat plenty of fish, nuts, and olive oil. Of course, try to increase your intake of fresh  fruit and veggies as well. Even dairy products positively impact your mood-boosting neurotransmitters.

As imagined, cut back on the simple carbs and refined sugars. Lastly, always talk with your healthcare provider before making any significant changes.

Commit to Exercising

Exercise is a powerful weapon against depression. When you get your body moving, it builds your self-confidence, boosts your mood, and helps to reduce stress. It’s one of several lifestyle interventions worth considering.

Just 30 minutes 3-5 days each week can produce a noticeable difference in the way that you feel. When going to the gym isn’t an option, settle for jumping jacks in the kitchen. Or use your breaks at work to take a brisk walk around the office building.

Get a Good Night’s Rest

Exercise also promotes restful sleep, which is another beneficial lifestyle intervention to consider. Those who don’t sleep enough hours experience weakened immune systems and severe mood swings. Though, it’s not always easy to fall asleep when depression or anxiety have your mind racing uncontrollably.

To help improve your sleep quality, avoid caffeine and blue light before bed. Establish a consistent, calming bedtime routine and wake up at the same time each day.

Take Your Moment

Depression can overcome you when you’re busy taking care of everyone else. It’s incredibly unfair!

It’s crucial to practice ample self-care. In other words, take time each day to do something positive for yourself. Some ideas include reading a book, playing an instrument, meditating, journaling, or drawing. Find a hobby or activity that makes you feel good, and do it every day.

Manage Stress Mindfully

Stress only compounds depression—and every other mental health condition, for that matter. It’s critical to reduce the stress in your life as much as you can. Delegate tasks, accept help or decline extra responsibility, to name a few strategies.

Another idea to help you manage stress is to change the way you perceive it. Instead of glaring at your mile-long to-do list, focus on one task at a time. Acknowledge any anxiety you feel, and let those negative emotions pass through you.

Surround Yourself with Positivity

It likely comes as no surprise that the people who surround you also significantly impact your mood. Although you can’t always choose your family or co-workers, you can certainly limit your time with the ones who bring you down.

With that said, choose friends who uplift you. This approach doesn’t mean only hanging around people who encourage you, but it includes friends who challenge you as well. Good friends can help you to be the best possible version of yourself and can help you ward off depression.

When depression tries to creep into your life, it’s essential to have a game plan for lifestyle interventions in place.

DepressionWillie Milam